Saturday, March 10, 2012

Morning Rise and Shine with Rocky Shore

Good morning! Rise and shine. I was so reluctant to wake up this morning because I was staying out late the night before (hunting for likes). I am not really sure what I do today is the right thing. It sounds so dumb to purposely go to the shore to look for their biodiversity?


This habitat is so harsh for animals or plants to live. This intertidal zone have alternate tide rise and fall, organisms are constantly hydrated and dehydrated, the strong wave energy, the change in temperature between tide, how can organisms live in such environments? But, there they are, able to survive. They are just so unique,aren't they? So, it doesn't sound wrong at all to have a look,right?


Are those barnacles? No! Barnacles have mouth opening. They are limpets. A type of shell-creature, scientifically named gastropods.

Have you ever thought what is in these creatures?

Tadaa! snail-liked creature. This gastropod have very strong foot,grazing on nutrients found on the rocks.

*Really hard to remove them from the rocks, they are really strong tiny animal. Don't try it, you might end up killed it. I have killed one of them :( guilty*

Will look for more environmental friendly approached to remove limpets :(


Another type of gastropods.





 Hardly can see the hermit crab and the fish. Good camouflage, I suppose. Those sea star, if you ever notice, it just looks like a rock! Couldn't believe we found the crab so small.

 Well, it turns out to give me more inspiration and even more confuse for what I want to do in my Final Year Projects. Contradict! Somehow, I am happy because I learn along the way. Peace!

P/S : More to come??


  1. Hello, Good afternoon miss M..
    I feel like as if imma attending a BIo class conducted at this blog..LOL...

    the 3rd pic..LOL.. i thought is LALA.. i too hungry liao.. lala reminds me of what u "tempted" me last time.. u said sabah has alot of them..asked me google myself.. LOL.. Hahah

  2. LOL! Good Afternoon Miss L.
    Bio class meh? I scare ajaran sesak

    Hahah..Lokan lokan! And, coconut pudding! =D

  3. I want to go to the beach. I am feeling a bit of stress.. Wind from the sea can makes me relax.
    Where's the photo of coconut pudding?

  4. Sometimes you can go walk around. Don't just stay static, go walk around, see different view,different faces, park will do!

    No photo of coconut pudding le.. i found one I will upload it..=)
