I'm so use to life unplanned, randomness..
That's what my friend always complain about,
but, life is so must exciting with last minute plan where when all the ideas are all popping up.
Agree with me, no?
Well, this is not applicable to all situation...
How good if I can have the randomness to fly out of this place right here right now..
To The Lourve of Paris,
To The Colliseum of Rome,
To Milk Farm of New Zealand,
To Life-So-Good at Tassie!
To Oh-So-Cold Icy Land!
To Hong Kong for shopping spreeeeee,
(Christmas there should have many discount and more and more free stufff...mmmm..)
Life sounds so much better..=)
I'm just dreaming, excited of life after exam..gee...sorry to make you excited too..^^
Well, it's been such a long time since I feel my soul...
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